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Spellings are provided weekly on Spelling Shed every Wednesday.

There is a weekly spelling test on Wednesday mornings.

Every child is expected to complete their spellings 6 times before the following Wednesday.


Every child has an individual login. Please contact Miss Jones if you are in need of your child's login.


English, Maths and Science homework is set weekly when appropriate.


This week's spellings for Friday 17th May


Year 4


Year 5


Times Tables


Please regularly practice your times tables.


Y4 - You will have your Times Tables Check at the end of the year

I have linked a few options for you to practice your times tables at home.
1. Guardians of Mathematica 

KS2 free maths game - Primary mathematics skills - Times tables, multiplication, division, algebra, fractions and decimals - BBC Bitesize
2. Maths is Fun Times Table Trainer (this is the one we use in class)

Math Trainer - Multiplication (
3. Mathsframe Times Table Check (this is the one we use on a Friday)

Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe
4. Hit the Button

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
