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Term 6

This term our topic has been ‘Countries’. We started learning about which countries make up the UK. We researched popular landmarks of the UK and thought about which ones we would like to visit. We listened to the folktale of how the ‘Giants Causeway’ was built and had a go at building our own causeway. The next country we learnt about was France, we decided to say ‘Bonjour’ to our morning register call and sang Fere Jacque. We even made our own Eiffel Tower. The next country we went to was Germany. We found out that Germany has more castles than any other country in the world. It also has over 1500 types of sausage! The last country we looked at albeit very briefly, as we ran out of time was Spain. Miss Villar was able to help us with this country and was able to tell us lots of facts about Spain.

Another highlight for us this term was of course, Sports Day. We loved practising for and taking part in all the races. We took part in running races, dressing up races, ball dribble, egg and spoon, throwing foam rockets and most children's favourite the bean bag shuttle. It was such good fun and we all had a great time!

At last in Forest School we were able to enjoy some drier weather and we made the most of it, with lots of den building, toasting marshmallows and making s’mores - very yummy!

We also obviously managed to still learn about all the other areas of curriculum that we needed to cover in this term. Just another fun filled term in Parrot Class! I can’t quite believe that Big Parrots have come to the end of their reception year in school. It has been an honour and a privilege to get to know each child and teach them this year. I look forward to watching them grow as they move throughout the school and wish them every success in the coming years. Well done to Parrot Class 2023-2024 😊
