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Who's Who

Longcot and Fernham School Staff

We have a dedicated team of teachers and support staff at the school, who are committed to helping our pupils develop both academically and personally during their time at school.



Mrs Sally Robins - Designated Safeguarding Lead


Class Teachers


Mrs Catherine Kent - Parrot Class (0.8). EYFS, Service Children, Phonics and Early Reading, RE, DDSL

Miss Fay Harris - Monkey Class. History, Geography, Collective Worship

Miss Cristina Villar - Lemur Class. Art, DT, MfL 

Miss Victoria Jones - Jaguar Class. SENDco. DDSL, Maths, Science, Computing 

Mrs Carmel McCluskey-Hornbuckle - Toucan Class

Mrs Rachael Youd - 1 day Toucan Class, 1 day Parrot Class, PE, Outdoor Education, Music

Mr Pete Webb - Management release time (0.2) Jaguar class

Miss Rosie Mulholland- Lemur Class  



Teaching Assistants



Mrs. Michelle Page-Harvey

Mrs Sarah Withers

Miss. Cheryl Williams

Mrs Maryanne Webb

Mr Matthew Mitchell


Administrative Officer

Miss. Stella Hall


Administration Assistant

Mrs Natalie Webb


Catering Supervisor

Mrs. Kay Parry


Catering Assistant

Ms Sarah Elbrow



Mrs. Janet Mayall



Mr. Martyn Roper


Academy IT 

Sweethaven Ltd


