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Toucan Class


Welcome to Toucan Class!




Toucan... Who can? You can!

We are a class of Year 5 and Year 6 children who love to learn.  We instil kindness into all that we do and strive to be the best versions of ourselves. Toucan class is a special place with caring, intelligent and kind-hearted children. Mrs McCluskey-Hornbuckle is our class teacher.  


Top Book Recommendations





Due to transition and production, there are no more spelling tests this academic year. Please keep practising words from the Year 5/6 list, as we will continue to cover these next academic year. 


Reading - Each pupil is expected to read daily (20+ minutes) and reading records will be checked weekly by staff. 



Friday Homework:

This term, we will set a range of short project tasks for you to complete over a week or two at a time.


Year 6: write down what you consider to be your greatest achievement since you started at Longcot and Fernham; these will be read as part of our Leavers' Service. 


Years 5 and 6: Thinking about our assemblies linked to National Insect Week and National Gardening Week, your task is to create an item that would encourage wildlife/nature to visit and thrive in our school green spaces. For example, you could make a bird feeder, butterfly feeder, bird house or bug hotel- maybe even a hogilo!

You will have 2 weeks for this task. Please bring in your creation during the week beginning 15th July.





Year 5 and 6 Spelling List

Things you can do at home......
