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Term 2

This term our topic was 'Festivals'. We enjoyed learning about different festivals and celebrations that happen at this time of the year. We started with Bonfire Night, learning all about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. We made some lovely firework pictures which brightened up the classroom and also added a bit of sparkle everywhere (glitter!). These creations eventually ended up in our topic books and are still adding sparkle to all our work now!

We then celebrated 'Remembrance Day' we had our own special service where we invited our military families to join us. It was a very moving and special service as each child had made their own poppy to place in the ground at school and learnt about the significance of the poppy.

Diwali, sometimes called the festival of light, was the next festival that we celebrated in class. The children loved hearing about the story of Rama and Sita. We made our own diva lamps to light the way to the classroom. They enjoyed comparing similarities and differences to other festivals that we celebrate.

Although 'Children in Need' isn't classed as a festival. We still thought it was important for the children to learn about the significance of Pudsey Bear. The children were surprised to hear that the work of 'Children in Need' happens all the time, it's not just a one day event. The children were very reflective when they heard about how 'Children in Need' helps others, which was lovely to witness.

Of course amongst all of our topic work, all the other parts of the curriculum were still happening. The children have been working incredibly hard and having fun whilst doing it. Learning about our senses is always a popular activity, particularly when we just use our sense of taste to guess the flavour of the sweet. It really is much more difficult than you think and it's amazing how we use our sense of sight to tell our brains what flavour the sweet is. Take that away and suddenly lime flavoured sweets taste like strawberry!

The children have had great fun this term in their forest school sessions. I think you can see that for yourselves from the photos below. Crunching through leaves, rolling in the grass, making mud pies in the mud kitchen and just generally exploring the great outdoors. 'Whatever, the weather. We go out together.'

We finished the term by celebrating Christmas. Although learning about the Nativity started a lot earlier. Our performance of 'Humph the Camel' was a huge success! The children were amazing and brilliant. It never ceases to amaze me how such young children are able to get up and perform to such a large audience. They were all superstars!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you all in 2025.
