On this page you will find details of the names and terms of office for all of our Governors, together with details of their category of Governor, positions of responsibility and details of any additional committees that they serve on. We have also included details of the business and financial interests of each Governor and information about any Governance role they play in other schools, as well as a full breakdown of the structure and responsibilities of the governing body of our school and its committees.
To contact the governors please email: clerk.longcotandfernham@faringdonlearningtrust.org
The structure and remit of the FLT Members, Trustees, and its committees including the LGBs is available on the Trust website and can be found here https://faringdonlearningtrust.org/about-us/governance/
‘The role that governance plays in ensuring that every child receives
the best possible education has never been more important.’
Sir Michael Wilshaw, Nov 2015
Governors are in place to set the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction. They are also expected to hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of teachers and pupils, and to ensure that public money is being well spent.
Governors have to be perceptive people who can challenge and support the Headteacher in equal measure and know when and how to do this. They also have to understand the complexities of school organisation and be able to analyse the wealth of data that now exists on school performance.
As a school we are very proud of our governors who take their duties very seriously and give up their time in the interests of the whole-school community. They make an important contribution to raising standards and maintain high aspiration.
Our governors are aware that good governance is predicated on having the right range of skills and experience needed to do the job effectively. They receive regular, relevant, high-quality training often alongside staff, to enable them to do their job effectively. Governors appreciate the need to focus on the core issues that really matter – safeguarding, the quality of the curriculum, teaching and learning, the progress and achievement of pupils and the underlying school culture.
Sue Hunter- (Office began 17.11.23) Chair of Governors, Community Governor
Responsibility for Quality of Education, Teaching and Learning and EYFS
Declaration of Interest - Vale Academy Trust Governor
I am a former science teacher and have taught in a wide variety of schools in the UK and overseas. I’m currently a Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors at Wantage CE Primary and am also on the LGB at St John’s in Grove. I am passionate about ensuring that every child receives the best possible education and opportunities to find and reach their full potential. I greatly enjoy using my experience to help schools to develop their provision, build on strengths and work on areas where there is room for improvement. I was delighted to be invited to join the Longcot and Fernham LGB and look forward to working with the existing dedicated and committed governors, interim and newly appointed Headteachers and talented staff to help to take the school forward into an exciting future.
Leah Spiers- (Office began 17.11.23). Safeguarding Governor, Community Governor
Responsibility for Safeguarding and Filtering and Monitoring
Declaration of Interest - Faringdon Learning Trust and Vale Academy Trust Employee
I graduated from University in 2000; gaining a degree in Business Management and Marketing Management. Having worked in this sector for a few years, I decided it wasn't for me so undertook a Primary PGCE at my local University. My teaching career began in Oxford City schools, where I progressed to Leadership teams. My next move was to take a leap into specialist education and I worked in an SEMH setting for 12 years, setting up and running a Nurture provision for 3 of these. This was such a positive and beneficial experience for me.
Having joined the Vale Academy Trust in 2019, my role has evolved and I am now working as part of the Central School Improvement team across the Vale Academy Trust schools and Faringdon Learning Trust schools as Director for Pupil Inclusion and Wellbeing. Excitingly, I now lead a whole inclusion team! I am truly passionate about trauma informed relational practice and believe achieving educational excellence for all learners is built on the foundations of establishing positive, respectful, nurturing relationships.
My experience to date has taught me that the most effective governance is based on asking good questions, rooted in a genuine interest in the important work school leaders and staff are doing on a daily basis. I am genuinely thrilled to be a part of the Longcot and Fernham LGB.
When I am not at work, I thoroughly enjoying watching my son play football and walking my 3 Bullmastiffs!
Amanda Webb - (Office began 13.01.19) - Foundation Governor
Committees: Disciplinary, HT Performance Management,
Responsibility for SIAMS, RE and Collective Worship
Declaration of Interest - NHS, Westrop Medical Practice, Great Western Hospital, BSW ICB
I joined the governing body as a Foundation governor in January 2015 and am committed to helping to develop the academic, pastoral and spiritual environment of the school and to strengthening the link between the school and the church community.
I live in Longcot with my husband and our three children, two of whom currently attend the school. Having graduated from Cambridge & Oxford Universities I now work as a GP in Highworth, sit on the governing board of the NHS CCG and am a Medical Judge for Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service
Michael Gill (Office began 20.03.2019) - Community Governor
Committees: Finance, Pay
Responsibility for Health and Safety, Finance, GDPR, Premises
Declaration of Interest - HSBC Employee
I am a Community Governor and live in Longcot, married with two children who attend Faringdon Community College. My daughter attended Longcot and Fernham Primary School until 2017. I have a financial background which I believe can help the school. Having lived in the village for over 7 years I am keen to build community relations between the school and locals. My employer will support me in this community work.
Emma Craig (Office began 12.10.20) - Co- Vice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
Committee: HT Performance Management
Responsibility for Disadvantages Pupils, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Parent Voice
Declaration of Interest - None declared
I am a mum of three girls currently in years 2, 4 and 6. I am so excited and honoured to have been elected the new parent governor for the school and look forward to upholding my promises to ensure our children continue to receive the best education and school life experience.
Clare De Bank (Office began 01.05.21) - Co- Vice Chair, Parent Governor
Responsibility for SEND, Quality of Education - Curriculum, Parent Voice
Declaration of Interest - Educational Publishing, Pearson
I am delighted to have been elected parent governor as of May 2021, and co-Vice Chair as of November 2023. I grew up in Fernham, have strong local ties, and believe passionately in our wonderful school and community.
In my professional life, I have worked in educational services and publishing for more than 20 years, and as part of my job need a deep understanding of the educational landscape and its opportunities and challenges. I hope this insight will be useful in my role as governor and look forward to being part of a strong partnership between staff, parents and governing body.
Fay Harris (Office began 16.01.23) Staff Governor
Responsibility for Staff Voice
Declaration of Interest - Faringdon Learning Trust Employee
Stella Howard: Staff Governor
Jodi Brown: Parent Governor
Revd Canon Paul Richardson: Foundation Governor
Ian Lloyd: Community Governor
Rev. Norma Fergusson. Foundation Governor
Elaine Barclay. Parent Governor