In Lemur Class the expectation is that children read at home every day, if possible. Reading diaries will be checked in school once per week.
Year 2 will have a colour coded book, as they progress with their reading, they will move up the colour bands. Year 3 will follow the same colour code system, until they move into Library books. We will continue with this system until the new phonics scheme is fully in place.
Please hear your child read each evening and sign and date in the reading record to show that you have heard your child read, any comments such as if they enjoyed it or if they had any issues reading it. When reading discuss what happens, predict what might happen next, and discuss why certain things have happened. Children can read their school book or any book linked with their interest.
Obviously, if you have a busy night we understand if reading doesn't happen but it should be as often as possible.
Homework will be on a termly grid system and the expectation is that at least 4 sections will be completed per half term.