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  • School Closed 22nd November 2023

    Wed 22 Nov 2023

    School Closure

    Dear Parents and Carers On Wednesday 22nd November, Longcot and Fernham Primary School will be closed to staff and pupils. On this day, Mrs Rachel Trollen will be laid to rest, and as a mark of respect we will not be open on this day to enable staff to attend her funeral. Rachel taught at our school for over 15 years and was very much part of the family. She left last year when she became unwell but remained close friends with many of our staff and families. Andy, Rachels husband, has asked us to share the details of the service- Wednesday 22nd November 1:15pm at St Andrews Church, Shrivenham, should you wish to attend. Any donations given will be sent to Prospect Hospice, on request of the family. If you would like to attend the funeral, the dress code is ‘something bright’. We appreciate that not all of our families knew Mrs Trollen, and that the closure of the school will have an impact on you with work commitments and a day of lost learning for the children. However, we, and Richard Evans, CEO, feel that this is the right course of action in these circumstances, and hope that you will support this decision.

    Best regards,

    Clare Silvester and Andy Browne Interim Co-headteachers

    Longcot and Fernham Primary School

  • Appointment of new headteacher

    Mon 06 Nov 2023

    6 th November 2023

    Headteacher appointment

    Dear Parents and Carers We are really pleased to be able to announce the appointment of our new Headteacher, Sally Robins, who will join us full time after February Half term. We will both remain at Longcot and Fernham until Mrs Robins starts, ensuring a smooth transition and handover period. Mrs Robins is a highly skilled and experienced Headteacher. She was the Headteacher of Faringdon Infant school for five years, and is currently the Headteacher of Lawn Primary and Nursery School in Swindon. There will be an opportunity to meet Mrs Robins before she starts with us, early in the new year. Mrs Robins has shared the following message. I am absolutely delighted to be joining Longcot and Fernham C of E Primary School as Headteacher. I was lucky enough to visit and know the school a little during my previous period of working for Faringdon Learning Trust, and I am so looking forward to working with this wonderful community to ensure the children continue to have the best possible educational experience. Thank you to Mrs Silvester and Mr Browne for the warm welcome. I will be working with them both in the coming months to ensure a smooth leadership transition. I look forward to meeting you all soon. We are all thrilled with such a positive appointment, and look forward to working with Mrs Robins as Longcot and Fernham primary school moves forwards into the next chapter.

    Best regards,

    Clare Silvester and Andy Browne Interim Co-Headteachers
